The project pursues various objectives of which:
The project will include various actions closely interconnected with each other but which can be split into three main themes/axis.
Each one corresponds to a Work Package:
Work Package 1 - European Awareness Campaign - The Relations between the current Ways of Life and the Use of Material Resources
This work package aims at increasing the awareness on consequences of current ways of life on the depletion of natural resources and to stress the differences existing between the patterns of consumption in European Countries and other parts of the world such as the United States and developing countries. It will put into picture, for local and regional authorities, and through them, for general public the relations between waste, products and resources and will introduce the Integrated Product Policy.
Work Package 2 - European Campaign – Cities, Waste Prevention and Sustainable Consumption
The campaign will raise the awareness within local and regional authorities on the influence they may have on sustainable development by promoting sustainable consumption. This will be realised by highlighting examples of good practices in sustainable consumption and more specifically in strategies for influencing behaviour through education, information and practical evidence on products without waste and recycled products.
Work Package 3 - Support Tools for Prevention at Source and Recycling of Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipment
This work package aims at illustrating and exemplifying the economical, environmental and social dimensions of specific initiatives aiming at waste prevention at source and recycling. To this end, we will focus on a specific waste stream: Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). This waste has been chosen because they represent the fastest growing waste stream, with a growth rate expected to reach 5 to 10% annually in the next ten years and they contain a large number of dangerous substances. That is the reason why they make part of the top priorities the European Commission intends to address in the near future. As a result, local and regional authorities will face new obligations and this work package aims at providing municipalities with Guidelines and examples of good practices for the implementation of future European directives on WEEE. The choice of this specific waste stream will also help to highlight the economic and social dimensions of recycling and to stress the important contribution partnership with social enterprises may bring to socio-economic sustainability and welfare in Cities.
Project Coordinator
ACRR Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling
Austrian Society for Systems Engineering and Automation
Konrad-Duden-Gasse 33
A-1130 Vienna
Tel. +43 1 298 20 20
Email: info@sat-research.at
Webpage: www.sat-research.at