Overview of selected Projects

CARE Electronics (Comprehensive Approach for the Resource- and Energy-efficiency of Electronics)

Our Role: International CARE Electronics Office

Project status: running since 1995


CIRC-UITS (Circular Integration of independent Reverse supply Chains for the smart reUse of IndusTrially relevant Semiconductors)

Our Role: Partner (SAT)

Project status: running since 2023

Budget: 6,0 MEUR


PEACOC (Pre-commercial pilot for the efficient recovery of Precious Metals from European end of life resources with novel low cost technologies)

Our Role: Partner (ISL)

Project status: running since 2021

Budget: 12,8 MEUR


CROCODILE (first of a kind commercial Compact system for the efficient Recovery Of CObalt Designed with novel Integrated LEading technologies)

Our Role: Partner (ISL)

Project status: finished

Budget: 14,6 MEUR


C-SERVEES (Activating Circular Services in the Electric and Electronic Sector)

Our Role: Partner

Project status: finished

Budget: 8 MEUR


FENIX (Future business models for the Efficient recovery of Natural and Industrial secondary resources in eXtended supply chains contexts)

Our Role: Co-ordinator

Project status: finished

Budget: 4 MEUR


sustainablySMART (Sustainable Smart Mobile Devices Lifecycles through Advanced Re-design, Reliability, and Re-use and Remanufacturing Technologies)

Our Role: Partner

Project status: finished

Budget: 7 MEUR


e-waste South Africa (Technology development for advanced treatment of e-waste in South Africa as a model for similar emerging economies

Our Role: Co-ordinator (ISL)

Project status: finished

Budget: 0,3 MEUR


HydroWEEE Demo (Innovative Hydrometallurgical Processes to recover metals from WEEE including lamps and batteries - Demonstration) 

Our Role: Co-ordinator (ISL)

Project status: finished

Budget: 3,8 MEUR


EWIT (Developing an e-waste implementation toolkit to support the recycling and the secondary raw material recovery strategies in metropolitan areas in Africa)

Our Role: Partner

Project status: finished

Budget: 1,6 MEUR


RECLAIM (Reclamation of Gallium, Indium and Rare-Earth Elements from Photovoltaics, Solid-State Lighting and Electronics Waste)

Our Role: Partner

Project status: finished

Budget: 7,1 MEUR


ZeroWIN (Towards Zero Waste in Industrial Networks)

Our Role: Co-ordinator 

Project status: finished 

Budget: 8,5 MEUR


HydroWEEE (Innovative Hydrometallurgical Processes to recover metals from WEEE including lamps and batteries) 

Our Role: Co-ordinator 

Project status: finished

Budget: 1,1 MEUR


TransWaste (Formalisation of informal sector activities in collection and transboundary shipment of wastes in and to Central and Eastern Europe)

Our Role: Partner

Project status: finished 

Budget: 3,3 MEUR


Incuba-train (Certified European Incubation Manager Training) 

Our Role: Partner

Project status: finished 


SCARE (Strategic Comprehensive Approach for Electronics Recycling and RE-use)

Our Role: Co-ordinator

Project status: finished

Budget: 100 MEUR 


IDEAS (Improvement and Development of the Ecological Attitude in Serbia) 

Our Role: Partner 

Project status: finished

Budget: 141 kEUR 


ECOLIFE II (ECO-efficient LIFE-cycle Technologies)

Our Role: Co-ordinator

Project status: finished

Budget: 2 MEUR 


Virtual University for Sustainability

Our Role: Partner

Project status: finished


ELIMA (Environmental Life Cycle Information Management and Acquisition for Consumer Products)

Our Role: Partner

Project status: finished

Budget: 3,9 MEUR 


TVTarget (Eco-Effcient Treatment of TV-Sets and Monitors)

Our Role: Co-ordinator

Project status: finished

Budget: 4,3 MEUR 


CONCEERN - CONex Central European Electr(on)ics Recycling Network

Our Role: Co-ordinator

Project status: finished

Budget: 144 kEUR 


VERC (Virtual European Recycling Centre)

Our Role: Partner

Project status: finished

Budget: 2,6 MEUR 


ReLCD (Liquid Crystal Display Re-use and Recycling)

Our Role: Partner

Project status: finished


Product-Service-System “IT on demand”

Our Role: Partner

Project status: finished

Budget: 100 kEUR 


ADOPT (Adoption of Best Practice Technology Cases)

Our Role: Partner

Project status: finished

Budget: 500 kEUR 


MobileRec (Collection, Disassembly and Recycling of Mobile Telecommunication Equipment)

Our Role: Partner

Project status: finished

Budget: 1,5 MEUR 


Sustainable Consumption in Cities (European Campaign on Products without Waste and Recycled Products)

Our Role: Partner

Project status: finished

Budget: 500 kEUR 


ECOLIFE Thematic Network

Our Role: Co-ordinator

Project status: finished

Budget: 1,14 MEUR 


Demonstration Plant for the Economic Disassembly of Printed Circuit Boards

Our Role: Co-ordinator

Project status: finished


Innovation & Technology Transfer Project

Our Role: Contractor

Project status: finished


INERTIA (International Network on RTD in Industrial Automation)

Our Role: Partner

Project status: finished


AREP (Advanced Recycling, Recovery and Re-use)

Our Role: Co-ordinator

Project status: finished


“Modular Disassembling Systems” as a pilot project for EU proposals in CRAFT or Brite-Euram

Our Role: Co-ordinator

Project status: finished


Disassembly of MiniDiscs

Our Role: Contractor

Project status: finished


YOUR RESEARCH partner to implement resource efficiency and CIRCULAR ECONOMY